Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Adventures of an Auntie

Wow...this has been a heck of a week.

It all started last Wednesday when I was working with my little Caiden. Amber texted me to tell me she was pretty sure it was time to head to the hospital. So as soon as Caiden's granny got home from running errands, I was out the door, headed home to tie up a few loose ends and grab my bags.

We got to the hospital around 7:30, got her all checked in and stuff, poor Amber was puking her guts up. She was super dehydrated because she had been sick most of the day. They gave her a shot for the nausea and started giving her fluids. Honestly, at this point, I was just thinking the contractions were caused from the dehydration and they would send her home. I'm pretty sure that's what everyone else was thinking too. But after sitting there for a few hours with contractions not dying down and Amber in a lot of pain, they realized she was dilating. So after a little more waiting, they finally gave her some pain medicine that knocked her smooth out.

Jack got up there about 11:30 and Amber's grandma came by for a little while. That whole night was kind of a blur. Amber was knocked out and Jack and I couldn't sleep. I stretched out in a recliner-like thing (wasn't as comfortable) and tried to sleep around 2 or so, but couldn't sleep. Around 5:30, Jack and I got hungry, so he went to McDonald's and got us some breakfast. We got our bellies full and around 6:30, we were finally able to fall asleep. That's when the dang anesthesiologist came barging in to do the epidural...Jack couldn't get out of there fast enough and I about passed out (but didn't) when he gave it to her.

More of the blurring happened, she was dilating slow, so they broke her water and gave her some pitocin to speed things up. Eventually, she made it to an 8...then they realized the baby's head wasn't where it was supposed to (yeah, why the heck didn't they check that hours before). So they got an ultrasound tech in there to figure out that Lizzy's head was near Amber's rib cage. Didn't even formally tell her she had to have a c-section, the nurse just came in and asked who was going to surgery with her. So after a quick debate, we decided Jack would go to surgery with her.

And at 1:41 PM on March 8th, Alyzabeth Shae was born. Shortly thereafter, Jack carried her to the nursery as I snapped pictures while we walked down the hall. Amber's mom and preacher were waiting on us when we got back to the labor & delivery ward. Lizzy was wide awake just looking around, content as could be. She weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches long.

I had planned on staying the night with Amber because we didn't really know if Jack was going to. So when he decided to stay, I decided to go home and get some sleep. Jack had to leave for work at 6:30 the next morning and Amber could barely pick the baby up to change her diaper, so even though the nurses could help, we didn't want to leave her there alone, so we decided it would be best if I came back to sit with her. I think I went to bed around 7 that about tired.

So after Lizzy losing a few ounces, the on-call doctor for the weekend didn't want to release them. So I had Yazzie (and Riley, Jaxie and Lulu) most of the day on Monday. But finally on Monday evening, Amber's doctor let them go and I got to drive them home since Jack was at work. And since Jack had to work yesterday, that put Amber home with both girls by herself, so I went over to help her out and cook them dinner. Talk about a whirlwind of a week, This auntie is definitely exhausted, but I wouldn't change any of it (well, maybe the part of Lizzy being breach) for anything.

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