Monday, October 1, 2012

Ignorance Is Bliss

So I guess it's probably recent occurrences that got me thinking this, but it was something I felt like sharing. I just have to say how blessed I feel that God didn't give us the power to know what's going to happen in the future. I mean, there are people who claim to predict the future, and if you believe them, that's fine, no worries. But they can't predict the exact moment something is going to happen.

Take death for instance, do you think we would be better off if we knew the exact moment we (or those around us) are set to die? Would you live life to the fullest or do everything in your power to stop it from happening? Maybe you would do something simple like tell someone you loved them an extra time or gave someone a tighter squeeze when you hugged them. But we don't know these things.

Then there's other things like relationships, careers, good things, bad things. Getting in a relationship is a huge gamble. Yeah, it may seem like a good idea at the time, but down the road, it could end in disaster. Or you could take a job in a city far away, they promise you all these good things, the job seems promising so you go take out a loan to buy a new car. A month later, the company goes belly up and you lose your job, your car and you're back to square one. You may look back on these decisions as the worst decisions of your life.

Now, let's not be totally negative. As stated before, I am a total and complete cynic when it comes to relationships. I just can't put that kind of trust into someone because I am constantly being let down by those close to me that I've already put trust into. But that's the beauty of this crazy thing we call life. I really don't plan on getting married (also, as stated before, I don't say I will NEVER get married), but that may not be the plan God has for me. He may put that perfect guy in my path who will change my feelings on relationships, who knows. If we knew that all relationships were going to fail, would we never take a chance? Never let ourselves get close with anyone? Possibly make some reckless decisions? Maybe...or maybe not. That's something you don't know.

A couple months ago, I had the opportunity to submit an application for a dream job in Santa Monica, CA. This would have quite possibly been the biggest gamble of my life. I was absolutely terrified as I was filling out the application. I had no earthly idea how I was going to make it work if I happened to get the job. How would I ever be able to move to LA on my own, thousands of miles away from my family and the life I've been living for 24 years? I ended up not getting the job (obviously, because I'm still in Oklahoma). But if I had never turned in that job application, what would I be doing right now? For those of you who know me well, know that I would've been kicking myself and saying "what if I HAD turned that application in?" You just have to take those chances because you don't even know. And ya know what, even though I didn't get the job, I wasn't upset, because at least I tried. At least I gave it a shot, I was able to walk away with absolutely no regrets.

So this is just a random thought that came through my mind yesterday (happens a lot when I drive by myself), but I hope it made you think a little. Worrying about the future and wondering what's going to happen tomorrow, or next week, is a waste of time. With that said, I still do these things sometimes, I'm not perfect, but I try not to worry. You have to live in this moment, don't get ahead of yourself, don't waste time thinking about tomorrow. Like I said, I feel SO blessed that I don't know what tomorrow brings. Because if I knew, I might be able to make it better, but 9 times out of 10 I would probably be wasting the NOW just worrying about tomorrow.

It just makes life a lot more exciting when you don't know what's going to happen next. And it's pretty fun to look back on your life a year ago or five years ago or ten years ago and think "wow...I didn't see myself where I am today," whether it be good or bad. I have some pretty amazing people in my life and I couldn't imagine life without them. But I don't know if they're going to be a part of my life in a year or a month, or maybe I'll be the one walking out of their life. You might gain a new friend or family member, you may find your soul mate. See what I mean when I say it makes life more exciting? Ignorance truly is bliss.