Monday, December 19, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 100

Day 100 - A picture of you smiling

I think I love this picture for the simple fact that I don't remember it being taken.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 99

Day 99 - A picture that was first on your facebook

Most of my pictures were on Facbook before they were anywhere else, but I chose this one before I love it and it's also one of the pictures on my calendar for this month. This is Teresa, she's one of my GH Moms and she is AWESOME. I miss her like crazy :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 98

Day 98 - A picture of you and your friends out somewhere

We were out in LA, if that counts. I just couldn't go without putting this picture up. It makes me giggle every time I see it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 96

Day 96 - A picture of your favorite movie

Absolute favorite movie. I remember renting it from the library every time we went in. I could seriously watch this movie over and over and over and never get tired of it. Even when I was 4.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 95

Day 95 - A picture of you on a plane

Leaving LA. We wouldn't talk to each other because we knew we would cry.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 94

Day 94 - A picture of you and your friends eating

This picture makes me giggle every time I look at it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 93

Day 93 - A picture of your favorite board game

Ever since I was a little kid I've loved this game.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 91

Day 91 - A picture of you and your friends playing a game

I'm not in this particular picture, but I did play. This is the Malawian version of a cross between Duck, Duck, Goose and Red Rover. Pretty fun if you ask me, especially when you have all of the village kids and a handful of college kids to play with :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 88

Day 88 - A picture of your dream car

Gun Metal Nissan Z (non-convertible). I've wanted one of these cars for well over a year now, and it only affirmed it when I found out one of my favorite people drives one :) Hers is black on black convertible though. It's taken me awhile to decide on a color because they're so pretty! But I finally decided on this color (or maybe pearl white).

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 87

Day 87 - A picture of someone you grew up with

My Amby.
We've been best friends since we were 7. Our friendship was more like a sisterhood. We used to fight and bicker all the time, even well into our teens. But now we're in our twenties, we've had a few disagreements here and there, but if we had the same opinion on everything, life wouldn't be fun. And did I mention she's the mom to my two youngest (adorable) nieces Yazzie and Aly? Yep :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 86

Day 86 - A picture of someone who helps you with school

Okay, so he obviously doesn't help me, but neither does anyone else. They don't know this stuff well enough to help me.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 85

Day 85 - A picture of your favorite holiday

4th of July. Hands down. Anytime I get to set stuff on fire and not get in trouble for it, it's a good day :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 84

Day 84 - A picture of a school project

You didn't say it had to be MY school project. The only school project (other than oral presentations) that I have ever done, I don't have pictures of. It was a MacBeth project where we had to make a witch from the story and put our face on it, turned out pretty funny.

Friday, December 2, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day 83

Day 83 - A picture of you and a teammate

Me & Amby
So this isn't us on a team, but we were the dream team in Keota FCCLA Star Event history. We both did Star Events with other teammates and never made it to nationals. The two years we did a Star Event together, we not only made it to nationals, but we go GOLD. This was at nationals after our senior year :)