Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

As I sit here in the last few hours of this wonderful holiday, I think it's time for me to give a little thanks.

First of all, I'm super thankful that I didn't have much time to sit down and write a blog until 10 o'clock on Thanksgiving night. When the day began at 12:00 AM, I was sitting in a movie theater with my sister, nephew and best friend, watching the end of an era...the last movie to the Twilight Saga. As tears ran down my face (yes, I'm a big baby), I knew I couldn't be happier to be where I was. I was able to get home, get a few hours of sleep before getting up at 9 to get ready for our family tradition.

First, I spent a little while with Jaxie and Lulu, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Mostly just watching it because the kids were convinced that Summer was going to be IN the parade instead of sitting on the sidelines. After that, we got ready and headed to the Choctaw Nation Community Center in Stigler to celebrate Thanksgiving with Da-dad's part of our family, which is a blessing within itself. Since the matriarch of our family (Charlotte) passed away nearly 2 years ago, getting all of the family together has seemed like a much bigger task than it did in the past. But once again, we (mostly Jennifer) were able to get all of our ducks in a row to celebrate together. We've been doing this for more than half my life, and I can't imagine spending Thanksgiving without them, nor would I want to.

I am ridiculously thankful for my friends, the ones who've stuck by me even in my darkest hour, who put up with me even when I'm being unreasonable and dramatic, and the ones who know how to make hundreds or thousands of miles seem like just around the corner because we talk so much. Amber is the one I can be goofy with, we've been through a lot, but I don't know what I would do without her and her girls. Kaitlin, the one who knows me better than I know myself, the one I can always count on. Kinsey, the person who is most like a sister to me, we fight, bicker, and annoy each other at times, but no matter what, we've managed to work through everything that life has thrown at us. Most of the time, we are silly and talk about random, pointless things. Bianca, the one I go to when I'm feeling down and need encouragement. She's almost always happy, and when you're around her, you can't help but be happy too. Summer, who I can tell anything too, and always knows the right thing to say, and when to say it. She would do just about anything for me, as I would for her. Faith, who is seriously one of my biggest inspirations. She makes me want to strive to be better in all things I do. She is not perfect, by any means, but she puts her all into everything she does, and I look up to her so much for that. She is always there for me, whether we're just talking about dumb stuff, or listening to me complain about people. THANKS to all of you (and for all the rest of my friends too) for being there for me. You all bring something different to the table, and while my relationship with each of you may be different, I love you all the same.

I want to give a huge thanks for my family, especially those who have supported me through this last year. The ones who haven't given up on me and let me make my own decisions, instead of telling me what I "should" be doing or what I could be doing better. I give my all in everything I do, and I won't accept anything less than what I deserve. I have worked hard in school for nearly 19 years, I may have lost my way, but I haven't screwed up, I've always made the decisions I felt were best for me at the time, and I don't regret any of it. Most people my age are married, divorced, married again, have a few kids. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it makes life a little harder. I've chosen to take the road less traveled, and while some people think there's something wrong with me because of it, my family support my decision to not have those things at this moment in time. My Gammy and Da-dad helped take care of me from birth until I was 12, then after that, they took me into their home full-time and raised me, and they continue to take care of me today. While things aren't always easy, I make sure they know that I appreciate them for making that sacrifice to raise me and me sister. My parents have helped me quite a bit over the last year, making things a little easier financially as I search for a job. My sister for letting me be her shadow. I never thought we would be this close, but we are. She supports me in all aspects of my life. My Uncle Bill and Aunt Cheryl have always stood by me and respected my decisions. They give me advice when it comes to decision-making, and I cherish that advice, because they always have my best interest at heart. They've taken me under their wing and done so much for me over the last few years. They've never failed me.

And of course my nieces and nephews, Riley, Jaxie, Lulu, Yazzie, Lizzy and Charleigh. I have so much love for all of them. Sometimes I want to beat their butts, but they've taught me so much about life and how to love unconditionally.

I am also thankful to live in a country where I am free. I know that freedom comes at a price, and I never forget that. I have so many men and women in my life who have fought for my freedom, and that's something I could never thank them enough for.

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